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#人物故事# UCLA The Optimists:Rob Reiner
发布时间:2018-05-23 丨 阅读次数:397


1964-1966 艾美奖获得者  导演 制片人 社会公正改革者


罗伯·莱纳的父亲一位喜剧传奇演员,而他这是自己行业的传奇。从1971年到1976年,他在大热情景剧《全家福》中扮演“傻瓜”,至此成为一个流行文化偶像。作为20世纪80年代的导演,他凭借《公主新娘》,《当哈瑞遇到莎莉》 ,《义海雄风》成为票房大赢家。但是,莱纳更多被美国的家庭奉为超级明星。1998年,他发起一项运动,支持“加州儿童与家庭法案”的通过。这项运动创建了“加州儿童5岁前的发展”项目,这个项目是拿烟草税来资助儿童早期发展的服务。他也是美国平权基金会的创建人之一,该组织带领市民反对加州的8号提案的通过。因为该提案禁止加州同性结婚。为了表彰他为儿童谋取福利的贡献, 他于2000年在UCLA大众健康学院毕业典礼上被授予UCLA奖章。

Rob Reiner

UCLA 1964-1966

For Him, Doing The Right Thing Is All In The Family.

Rob Reiner, son of legendary comedian Carl Reiner, is himself a show business legend. He became a pop culture icon playing “Meathead” on the groundbreaking sitcom All in the Family from 1971-1976. And as a director in the 1980s, Reiner hit home runs with box-office winners The Princess Bride, When Harry Met Sally and A Few Good Men. But Reiner may be even more of a superstar to the nation’s families. In 1998, he chaired the campaign to pass the California Children and Families Act, which created First 5 California, a program of early childhood development services funded by a tax on tobacco. He also is co-founder of the American Foundation for Equal Rights, which spearheaded the fight against the passing of California’s Prop 8, an attempt to ban same-sex marriage in the Golden State. For his efforts on behalf of children, Reiner was awarded the UCLA Medal in 2000 at the UCLA School of Public Health Commencement ceremonies.