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#人物故事# UCLA The Optimists:Ajwang Rading
发布时间:2018-05-16 丨 阅读次数:286

Ajwang Rading

2014级  学者 政治科学家  人道主义者


若你是以杰基罗宾逊学者的身份进入UCLA,人们将会对你抱有很大期望。Ajwang rading 并没让人失望。他兴趣广泛,有极强的好奇心,他充分利用每一个机会学习和成长。他是华盛顿公民责任研究所的学者,是北爱尔兰克林顿和平中心的研究员。他在欧洲安全和合作组织的光芒甚至掩盖了前国务卿希拉里·克林顿。在西木区,rading和人合伙创立了UCLA全球公民奖学金,送其他学生到国外学习,这个举动为他赢得了Charles E青年人道主义奖。拥有如此令人印象深刻的大学生涯,也就难怪这位政治科学专业的学生会被选为UCLA年优秀毕业生。毕业后,他到巴黎研究人类行为,然后回到美国参议院从事刑事司法改革和国家安全工作。他现在正跟进一个阿拉巴马蒙哥马利公正司法倡议的种族和贫穷项目。

Ajwang Rading

Class of 2014

The world is his campus.

When you arrive at UCLA as a Jackie Robinson Scholar, a great deal is expected of you. And Ajwang Rading did not disappoint. With global interests and never-failing curiosity, he took advantage of every opportunity to learn and grow. He was a scholar at the Institute for Responsible Citizenship in Washington, D.C. and a fellow at the Clinton Peace Centre in Northern Ireland. He also shadowed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe. Back in Westwood, Rading co-founded the UCLA Global Citizens Fellowship to send other students abroad, winning the Charles E. Young Humanitarian Award. With such an impressive collegiate career, it’s no wonder the political science major was selected UCLA Senior of the Year. After graduation, he served in Paris as a fellow for Humanity in Action, then returned to work on criminal justice reform and national security in the U.S. Senate. He is now furthering a Race & Poverty program for the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, Alabama.