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#人物故事#UCLA The Optimists:Rafer Johnson
发布时间:2017-01-18 丨 阅读次数:636

Rafer Johnson(拉斐尔·约翰逊,已逝)

1959级  奥运金牌十项全能运动员  非裔美籍灵魂人物


1958年,《体育画报》授予他“年度运动员”称号。1960年,他赢得奥运会十项全能金牌。但是,Rrafer Johnson 从来都不只是体育冠军。在他初二、高中和在大学时,他的同学都选举他为主席----一个由来自不同背景的学生选举的非裔美籍学生领导。他的挚友有UCLA队友杨传广和俄国对手瓦西里·库兹涅佐夫(vasili kuznetsov)。

1968年的骚乱中.Johnson成为一个真正的英雄,因为他从射杀罗伯特·肯尼迪的男子手中夺回手枪。几天后,肯尼迪的姐姐Eunice Shriver邀请他协助第一次特奥会的举办。深受那些身有残疾却身怀斗志的年轻人鼓舞,Johnson创建了加州特奥会。1984年的奥运会上点燃了火种的他,在2015年重返大体育馆,站在传递特奥会火炬的年轻运动员身边。Rafer Johnson永远都充满包容心。

Rafer Johnson

Class of 1959

He won Olympic gold, then did something special.

In 1958, Sports Illustrated named him Sportsman of the Year. In 1960, he won Olympic Gold in the decathlon. But Rafer Johnson has always been more than an athletic champion. In eighth grade, high school and at UCLA, his classmates elected him president – an African-American leader chosen by people from very different backgrounds. He made friends of UCLA teammate Yang Chuan-kwang and Russian rival Vasili Kuznetsov.

In the tumult of 1968, Johnson was a real-life hero, wresting the gun from the man who shot Robert F. Kennedy. Only days later, Kennedy’s sister, Eunice Shriver, enlisted his help with the first Special Olympics games. Inspired by the young people who competed despite being stigmatized for disabilities, Johnson founded the California Special Olympics. The man who lit the cauldron to open the 1984 Olympic Games was back in the Coliseum in 2015, standing beside the young athlete who carried the torch for the Special Olympics World Games. Always a champion of inclusion: Rafer Johnson.