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#人物故事#UCLA The Optimists:Angela Davis
发布时间:2017-01-11 丨 阅读次数:534

Angela Davis(安吉拉·戴维斯)

哲学教授  作家 教育家 发起人


安吉拉·戴维斯毕生都在为民权作斗争。安吉拉·戴维斯来自阿拉巴马州。她少年时期就组织了一个跨种族学习小组,后来被警察勒令解散了。她曾进入布兰戴斯大学和加州大学圣地亚哥分校学习,在全是非裔的共产党分部工作。后来,她受聘去UCLA任教,但加州大学董事会则因为她与共产主义的牵扯一心想要解雇她。后来Charles Young校长就学术自由权为她辩护,保住了她在学校的职位。她在1970年离开UCLA,当时还是州长的罗纳德·里根说她不会再在加州大学系统任何一所学校任教了。然而,她后来又在加州大学圣克鲁兹分校教了17年的书。她现在的工作是给由贫困和种族歧视引发的社区刑事定罪和量刑。2014年春,她接受了到UCLA性别研究系工作的邀请。

Angela Davis

Professor Of Philosophy

To her, emancipation was just the beginning.

Angela Davis has spent her life fighting for civil rights. As a teenager in Alabama, she organized interracial study groups, which the police disbanded. She attended Brandeis University and UC San Diego, where she worked with the all-black branch of the Communist Party. She was hired to teach at UCLA but the UC Regents tried to fire her for her association with communism. Then-Chancellor Charles Young defended her right to academic freedom and she retained her position. When she left UCLA in 1970, Governor Ronald Reagan said she’d never teach in the UC system again. Yet she spent 17 years on the faculty at UC Santa Cruz. Her current work focuses on incarceration and the criminalization of communities most affected by poverty and racial discrimination. For Spring 2014, she has accepted a residency in the UCLA Department of Gender Studies.