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#人物故事# UCLA The Optimists: Herbie Hancock
发布时间:2017-12-07 丨 阅读次数:609

Herbie Hancock

客座教授 赛罗尼斯-蒙克研究所主任 爵士大师 格莱美奖获得者


当Herbie Hancock首次和芝加哥交响乐团一起表演莫扎特钢琴协奏曲时,他还只有11岁。幼时打下坚实的古典音乐基础,作为戴维斯五重奏成员的Herbie Hancock最终成为现代爵士即兴演奏的先锋者之一。70年代间,他将爵士,放克和摇滚用一种创新的方式结合在一起,整整风靡了10年。80年代,他的“尽情摇摆”(rock it)为他赢得了格莱美最佳R&B演奏者奖,在霹雳舞和早期嘻哈文化称霸的世界中成为一大传奇。他的音乐传奇不仅仅是包揽14座格莱美奖杯,他还在UCLA赛罗尼斯-蒙克研究所中指导过无数年轻音乐家。

Herbie Hancock

Visiting Professor and Directer, Thelonious Monk Institute

He makes music that moves us all

Herbie Hancock was only 11 years old when he performed a Mozart piano concerto with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Thoroughly grounded in classical music, he became one of the pioneers of modern jazz improvisation as a member of the Miles Davis Quintet. During the ‘70s, his recordings combined electric jazz with funk and rock sounds in an innovative style that influenced a whole decade of music. In the ‘80s, “Rockit” won Hancock a Grammy for Best R&B Instrumental and became an anthem in the world of break dancing and early hip-hop culture. His musical legacy includes not only 14 Grammy Awards, but all the talented young musicians he mentors as director of the Thelonious Monk Institute at UCLA.