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#人物故事#UCLA The Optimists:Eric Hirshberg
发布时间:2016-11-09 丨 阅读次数:519

Eric Hirshberg(埃里克·赫什伯格)

1991届 广告商  游戏执行 创造性的开拓者

我们从未听说过一个负责创意的人主持一个公司,但是,美国动视(Activision)首席执行官埃里克·赫什伯格重新书写这个规定。赫什伯格在洛杉矶最大的广告公司Deutsch LA工作二十年,担任该公司的创意总监。2010年,他离开这个公司加入美国动视。从那时起,这个游戏巨头就开始了它的辉煌时代,包括发行令人惊叹的“黑色行动”(black ops),一款使命召唤游戏,发行两周就卖出了10亿美元。在给UCLA2015年艺术和建筑专业毕业生的毕业陈词中,他说道:“对任何公司来说,最危险的事情就是它的策略和文化毫无创新可言。”

Eric Hirshberg

Class of 1991

He made creativity good for business.

It is almost unheard of for a creative to be tapped to run a corporation, but Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg is rewriting that rule with a vengeance. Hirshberg joined Activision in 2010 after 20 years as chief creative officer of Deutsch LA, the largest ad agency in Los Angeles. Since then, the giant gaming company has enjoyed historic success, including the jaw-dropping launch of “Black Ops,” a Call of Duty game that reached $1 billion in sales in only two weeks. Delivering the commencement address to the Class of 2015 at the UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture, Hirshberg said: “The riskiest thing any organization can do is not put creativity at the center of its strategy and culture.”