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#人物故事#UCLA The Optimists:Greg Graffin
发布时间:2016-07-06 丨 阅读次数:669

Greg Graffin (格雷格·格拉福汀)

1987级 1990界理学硕士 朋克先锋者  古生物学家  教授


1980年的南加州, “邪教”乐队横空出世。这个颇具创意性的朋克摇滚乐建立了一个区域性的声音,它席卷了整个音乐界和周围的文化,质疑权威。这个乐队在30多年后还依然活跃在这个舞台上。而这个保持着传奇地位,并不断改进的乐队由主唱兼作曲人格雷格·格拉福汀领导。但是现在,这位朋克音乐家现在是一名进化理论教授,专门研究达尔文。格里芬持有康奈尔大学的博士学位,在UCLA做过关于进化生物学的演讲。如同在舞台上独树一帜,在高等学府里他也是一位打破旧习的人物,他曾说:“比起写一百篇技术论文给一小部分的科学家看,我宁愿写一本书供广大读者阅读。”

Greg Graffin

Class of 1987, MS 1990

He rocks the ivory tower.

In 1980, Southern California got Bad Religion. The seminal punk-rock act established a regional sound that swept the music world and the culture surrounding questioning authority. The group is still active more than three decades later. The one constant in the legendary band’s ever-evolving lineup has been lead singer and songwriter Greg Graffin. But by day, the punker is a professor specializing in a different kind of evolution–Darwin’s. Graffin, who holds a doctorate from Cornell, has lectured on evolutionary biology at UCLA, is as iconoclastic in the ivory tower as he is on stage: “I’d rather write one thought-provoking book that reaches a wide audience than write 100 technical papers that are read by a small community of scientists,” he says.