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#人物故事#UCLA The Optimists: Nancy Cartwright
发布时间:2016-02-17 丨 阅读次数:575

Nancy Cartwright(南希·卡特赖特)

1981级  艾美奖获得者 配音演员 作家 赛车手

南希·卡特赖特为巴特·辛普森(美国动画电视剧《辛普森一家》中的虚构角色)而生。在很小的时候她发现了自己声音的天赋,这个出生于俄亥俄的姑娘来到UCLA学习戏剧,在著名配音演员Daws Butter(瑜伽熊和哈克狗的配音者)的家乡与他共事。从UCLA毕业后,卡特赖特在镜头面前给各种角色配音,直到1987年她为自作聪明的、脑子秀逗的巴特·辛普森配音让她一夜成名。除了在上演时间最长的电视节目中为全国人民都知道的熊孩子配音,艾美奖获得者卡特赖特还是一名作家、剧作家、喜剧演员、互联网制片人和赛车手。

Nancy Cartwright
Class of 1981
She gives voice to America's favorite bad boy.

Nancy Cartwright was born to be Bart Simpson. Discovering her talent for voices at an early age, the Ohio native came to UCLA to join its theater program and work with famed voice actor Daws Butler–the voice of Yogi Bear and Huckleberry Hound–on his home turf. After graduating from UCLA, Cartwright landed a number of roles in front of the camera–but she became an icon when she landed the part of smart aleck, spike-headed Bart Simpson in 1987. In addition to mouthing off as the nation’s best-known brat on the longest-running show on television, Emmy-Award-winning Cartwright is also an author, playwright, comedian, Internet producer and occasional race-car driver.