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#人物故事# UCLA The Optimists:Taylor Wang
发布时间:2019-09-11 丨 阅读次数:392

Taylor Wang(王赣骏)

1967理科学士 1968理科硕士  1971哲学博士 宇航员 发明家  物理学家


1985年5月,太空飞船“挑战者“的太空实验-3飞行任务就如之前大多数人类太空飞行一样创造了历史。船员中包括了第一位华裔美籍宇航员,载荷专家Taylor wang博士。Wang环球飞行110圈,绕行了290万英里,历时168个多小时。他出生于中国大陆,1975年获得美国国籍。他早已成为他星球事业的一流专家,而他三个学位也为他添光加彩。这位明星物理学家/太空工作者写了200多篇文章,在多个领域拥有近30个专利,包括声学,无容器处理科学,带电液滴和其他自然科学学科。他是加州理工学院的著名的喷射推进实验室的高级科学家,是NASA几个备受瞩目实验的首席研究员。他还是机械工程的名誉教授,材料工程和科学的名誉教授,是范德堡大学的名誉教授。

Taylor Wang

BS 1967, MS 1968, PhD 1971

He showed us that the sky's no limit in the pursuit of knowledge.

The space shuttle Challenger’s Spacelab 3 mission in May 1985, like most of mankind’s journeys to the heavens, made history. Its crew included the first Chinese-American astronaut, payload specialist Dr. Taylor Wang. Wang logged more than 2.9 million miles in 110 Earth orbits and over 168 hours in space. The scientist, who was born on mainland China and became a U.S. citizen in 1975, has been just as stellar in his planet-bound career, fueled by his three UCLA degrees. The star physicist/spaceman has written 200 articles and holds about 30 U.S. patents in various areas, including acoustics, containerless science, charged drop dynamics, and other hard science subjects. He has served as a senior scientist at the California Institute of Technology’s famous Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and a principal investigator on several high-profile NASA experiments. He is Centennial Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Emeritus and Centennial Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Emeritus, at Vanderbilt University.

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