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#人物故事# UCLA The Optimists:Mericien Venzon
发布时间:2018-07-11 丨 阅读次数:326


2009-2014  滑冰运动员 科学研究员


你可以说Mericien Venzon一只脚踩在两个世界里—一只脚还穿着滑冰鞋。她是一名成功的花样滑冰运动员,赢得2009年菲律宾冠军,争夺2011世界冠军。而她还对科学界也并不陌生:作为一个UCLA的学生,她主修生物学和辅修进化医学。她是Michael alfaro教授实验室一名本科生研究员。Venzon已被任命为霍华德·休斯本科研究学者。并且,她成功成为UCLA第一个竞争性花样滑冰队的建队成员,以及与UCLA紧急医疗合作的精英学生中风研究小队的临床研究助手。

Mericien Venzon

UCLA 2009-2014

She figured out a winning combination.

You could say Mericien Venzon has a foot in both worlds – and one foot is wearing an ice skate. She’s a successful figure skater, winning the 2009 Philippine championship and competing in the 2011 world championships. But she’s no stranger to the world of science, either: as a UCLA student, she pursued a major in biology and a minor in evolutionary medicine. An undergraduate researcher in Prof. Michael Alfaro’s lab, Venzon was designated a Howard Hughes Undergraduate Research Scholar. Still, she managed to become a founding member of UCLA’s first competitive figure skating team – and a clinical research assistant on the elite Student Stroke Team working with UCLA emergency medicine.